Kids Dentistry

Kids Dentistry

Our child friendly environment equipped with toys will encourage your child to look forward for his/her next appointment.

We know that taking your kids for a dental check-up has  never been easy! Our child friendly environment equipped with toys will encourage your child to look forward for his/her next appointment.  The latest American guidelines for pediatric dentists in chennai recommends that parents should bring their child to the dentist as soon as the first teeth appear – usually around 6 months or at least before their 1st birthday.

What does the kids specialist perform at Our exclusive Pediatric Dental clinic at Rajan Dental – “Teddy Teeth”
  • Comprehensive Oral Evaluation and Assessment using advanced diagnostics
  • Preventive Dental Care
    • – Fluoride Treatments
    • – Oral Hygiene Instructions
    • – Pit and Fissure Sealants
    • – Pulpotomy and crowns
  • General anesthesia for children
  • Laser dentistry
  • Pediatric emergencies
  • Habit counseling
  • Straightening of teeth
  • Habit breaking appliances
  • Space maintainers
  • Cleft Lip Correction
Why is it important that you care for your child’s primary teeth right from the eruption of their first teeth itself?
  • Scientific evidence has pediatric dentist in chennai shown that children with decayed milk teeth would most likely experience decay in their permanent teeth as well.
  • Primary teeth that are lost to decay or other dental problems before root canal specialist in chennai find they naturally fall off can cause irregular development of permanent teeth.
  • Primary Teeth encourage healthy eating habits. Your child learns to chew food properly and maintain good nutrition
  • Milk teeth also enable your child to speak clearly, Best Pediatric Dentist in Chennai enunciate properly, and learn proper pronunciation
  • Primary teeth establish spaces in the jaw needed by adult teeth later on. Primary teeth removed earlier than natural can lead to loss of space for adult teeth which, consequently, may create serious dental problems during adulthood.
  • Proper milk teeth will help your child feel good about him/her and Best Pediatric Dentist in Chennai encourage a positive self image.

Guidelines for Preventing Tooth Decay

As early as possible get your child to cultivate the following habits:

  • Brush their teeth twice daily – morning and evening
  • Don’t allow them to sleep with the milk bottle
  • Make sure that the toothpaste has an optimum amount of fluoride
  • Reduce consumption of sugars and sugary foods
  • Encourage eating of fruits, vegetables, non sweetened yogurt (curd) etc
  • Encourage foods rich in calcium such as milk, cheese, fresh green vegetables

Visit Do’s and Don’ts

Your child’s dental visit to Teddy Teeth will be made much easier if you follow these simple guidelines. However, please do consider your child’s personality and individuality when applying these principles.

  • Tell your child that you are visiting a friend/ “uncle/aunty” who is also a doctor who likes children and he may just check his/her teeth
  • Tell him/her that getting teeth examined regularly will protect the teeth and help find problems – like cavities (black spots on teeth) – at an early stage
  • If possible both parents should accompany the child on the first visit
  • Allow sufficient time for our doctor to talk to your child. The time spent in establishing rapport and gaining confidence will save time during treatment as he/she will be more cooperative with the his/her doctor “friend”
  • 85-90% of children cooperate for all dental treatments. Inculcate a positive attitude towards dentistry from an early age in your child
  • Bring your child’s complete medical records (including immunization status) for our assessment.
  • Should your child require a dental procedure we will normally explain in detail about the treatment, including preventive and post treatment follow up measures. If you do not understand something, please insist on a more detailed or less technical explanation. We will be happy to oblige. Your child’s dental health is our primary concern too!
  • Do not tell your child about pain, blood, injection, etc. We will gently break it to him/her if the dental procedure warrants it.
  • If your child pesters you with his/her fears about the visit, it is better to side step with an indirectly reply assuring them that “doctor uncle/aunty will do the best thing for you”. Do not mislead him/her about the time the treatment will take. Simply say you don’t know.
  • Do not threaten your child with statements like “because you do not brush your teeth properly, doctor will give you an injection!” OR “because you eat chocolates your spoilt teeth will be removed by doctor”. This may result in inducing fear in your child for the dental visit and in later years could result in dental anxiety or phobia.
  • Do not insist that the treatment should start on the first visit itself. Your child needs to get comfortable with the dental visit and may require some time to prepare himself/herself. We will advice you after interacting with your child.
  • Do not voice your fears about the pain, blood etc in front of your child.
  • Discuss these separately with us and we will give you an accurate assessment of what to expect.
  • Avoid dental appointments during naptimes or when they are tired
  • Do not bribe them with a gift prior to the appointment. You may reward good behavior in the clinic after the visit.
  • Your child is a raucous bundle of joy and energy! Do not expect perfect visits, also do not complain about him/her to the doctor in front of your child. Discuss your concerns separately with us.
Sedation Dentistry & General Anesthesia for Children

If your child exhibits a higher degree of anxiety than normal with the dental visit then we have the option of carrying out the dental procedure under sedation. This could either be conscious sedation or under general anesthesia. We have highly experienced and qualified pediatric anesthesiologists who will review your child’s medical history and determine the safest alternatives for your child. They will ensure your child’s comfort without the use of any physical restraints. The dental treatment can then be carried out as a day care procedure and may even be completed in a single visit.

Dental Care for Special Root Canal Treatment in Chennai Needs Children (Physically or Mentally Challenged)

Special skill sets are needed in managing and treating children with special needs, who may have difficulty in motor coordination or in comprehending instructions. Our pediatric dentists are trained to provide caring treatment for children (and adults) with special needs. They are intuitively sensitive and caring when treating differently enabled children and you can be assured that your child is in safe hands. Usually, special needs children require general anesthesia even for routine dental procedures. Our highly trained and qualified anesthesiologists will ensure your child’s comfort without the use of any physical restraints. The dental treatment can then be carried out as a day care procedure and may even be completed in a single visit

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